Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Add 1 cup of Dossier FRUSTRATION

The past 2 months we have been working on our Dossier. This is the next step in our process and it is how Colombia will know we want a baby!  These 2 months have proven to test my patients and ability to stay calm. Here are a few of our dilemmas.

We were given a manual and templates for completing our Dossier  paperwork, and I followed them to a T. After I completed the documents, I sent the documents to our agency for approval before I sent the documents to get Apostilled ( which basically means double verified). Our agency said we were good to go! Yay! So I sent the Dossier on to get Apostilled. Shortly after I sent the Dossier I received an email with 16!!!!! errors on documents.Quite frustrating with I had followed directions and got them "approved" before I officially sent them off. ( For those who are in the adoption process I would say ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS as you are preparing your Dossier). So now we have to redo documents which I have already spent a significant amount of time on!  I am praying and telling myself it will all be worth it. The moment our child is in our arms all this will seem like a tiny "problem".

I was born in Indiana, and boy o boy is the state of Indiana making me a little upset. So I sent off for my birth certificate over a year ago when we began this process. When I sent my birth certificate to get Apostilled I was told I didn't have the right birth certificate. . . which is confusing. How do I have more than 1 birth certificate. My birth certificate has the state seal on it and it's the one I used to get my passport. So I followed the email instructions to order my "right" birth certificate. I paid a lot for it and the shipping to get it back to me overnight. 

So after only 4 days I received my birth certificate, paid a lot again to overnight it to get Apostilled. Got a call 2 days later that i YET AGAIN HAVE THE WRONG BIRTH CERTIFICATE! I guess following instructions lead me to get another county issued birth certificate and (per Indiana) I need a state issued NOT a county issued. AHHHHH. I tried to get the people I ordered my birth certificate to send me the right one with out charging me again and that did not work. 

I ended up ordering ANOTHER birth certificate. I paid to have it shipped overnight and then a week later I received an email saying they my order was on hold. WHAT! It was on hold because they needed a copy of my drivers license. Why in the world did they wait to tell me they needed my drivers license until a week after I requested my birth certificate!!! AHHHH.

I know that God is in control, it is just hard to feel that when I have put so much time and energy into gathering and filling out all the information and it isn't coming together. I am so hopeful that things will come together soon and we can get our Dossier to Colombia so it can be translated and processed and we can get assigned to an adoption house!!!!

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