Thursday, August 23, 2012

Translated Dossier!

Our case worker contacted us on August 21st and said that our Dossier had been translated! We were so excited to hear the news. This is another big step on our way to getting our baby! For the first time it feels like things are flowing and moving along at a good pace.

When we opened our email to see that our Dossier was translated we were so excited. It also makes this whole process much more real. We are both overcome with joy, excitement, nervousness and hope that God's timing is perfect. It's hard to sit back and rest in the fact that God has totally got this. We find ourselves wanting to plan, prepare and take control. Adoption isn't really something you can control, but we still try to fool ourselves into thinking we can. Each day we remind ourselves that our God is big, perfect and in control. He is way better at taking care of us and planning for the future He created.

We are thankful to have people praying and believing for us and we could not go through this process with out the love and support of so many people. We still have Messengers of Love for sale if you want to help us bring our baby home. I will post pictures in my next blog.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have an update? I just found your blog and I would love to know the next steps. We are currently waiting for translation of our dossier. Thanks!!
