Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Walking through closed doors.....

It has been a while since we last posted. Overall not too much has changed. We have been talking with our agency a lot the past month just trying to stay connection and aware of what`s going on. Here is what we do know. This year is starting out A LOT better than last year! 2012 was a very difficult year with not really any forward movement, but 2013 feels more like we are moving and in a good direction.

Today one of our good friends and fellow adoptive parents are heading to Florida. Their beautiful baby boy will be born on Friday!!! So excited for them. We are praying for health peace and protection for thr entire Milan family!!

I was reading John this morning and it brought me some real hope. I have read the crucifiction and resurrection story hundreds of times, but a few words just really jumped out at me. To set the stage, let me give you my version of what was happening. (The story can be found in John 20) .

Jesus has just resurrected and is going to see his disciples. It says the disiples are hanging out together but are scared of the Jews so their door is locked. Ok, I totally get why the disciples are scared. They have just watched their own people turn on Jesus and fight FOR him to be murdered. They have lost their teacher, leader and friend. That is a lot of loss to deal with! So Jesusi on his way to see his friends and whem he arrives the door is locked. So Jesus walks through the locked door! hmmmm The disciples were sitting in fear and Jesus walks through a locked door.

Later that week the disiples are hanging out again( behind a locked door of course) and "Jesus came through the locked door". There is something so powerful about how when we are scared, no,  down right terrified God STILL comes chasing after us. So we go in fear and we are still covered and protected. The other really cool thing is both times Jesus walked through the locked door the first thing he said was " Peace to you"!

So today I am sitting in a place of "Peace to you" and resting in the fact that no matter how scared I am and no matter how much I lock myself away, Jesus will walk through a locked door to find and comfort me.

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